I am fully aware that it is June. I am also fully aware that school's out for summer. Big grin. I wrote this poem in May in response to a prompt I gave my Creative Writing kids. If you can't tell, I was stressed. If you can, well, it's because it was so close to the end of the school year: that's stressful. Graduation has come and gone, and summer school is now into its second week. Time flies. I hope that it doesn't fly too quickly this summer because the feelings expressed in a teacher's life at the end of the school are also there at the beginning.
What TEACHERS think...in May
It can’t be Monday already,
It was just Friday! Did I even HAVE
A weekend?
What?! An early morning meeting?
I must not have put it on my
Calendar...wait, there it is... shoot.
Will I ever see the top of my desk again?
Every time I get it cleaned off, something else
Comes along and covers it up.
Finals are due..when? Friday?
I haven’t even thought...okay, I’ll just
Dig through last year’s stuff to find one.
Oh these KIDS! Why can’t they just
Get it through their heads that we teachers
Desire summer break as much as they do...
The countdown’s begun. In just eleven...
ELEVEN!?!...days counting this one we’ll be
Done with school. How is that possible?
I have too much to get done,
But not enough time to do it... something’s gotta give
And I hope it isn’t me.