Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reflective Teaching: Day 3, Teacher Observations

Day 3--Discuss one “observation” area that you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation.

An "observation" area I would like to improve on for my teacher evaluation... 

The area I would like to improve upon for my teacher evaluation would be my use of data to guide my instruction.  I gather a lot of data, look at a lot of data, and yet often don't know what to do with that data.  I think part of my problem with data-driven instruction is that I may not be collecting the right types of data to help me know what to do next.  And that next is also where I feel I need some improvement.  So often I get the data, but, as I'm not a statistician, I don't always see the connection between my carefully crafted spreadsheet and the lesson planning.  I want to figure out how to use the data that is overabundant in the educational world and use it to my students' favor.  I would like to improve the instruction I give them based on the data gotten from them. 

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